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Verify user retweeted a tweet - Social Actions API

This endpoint provides a convenient way to check if a user retweeted a tweet identified by tweet_id. This will recursively retrieve all users who recently retweeted a tweet and check if the user_id is present among the retrieved users.



Authorization string required

Authorization Bearer header containing your SocialData API key

Example: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Path Parameters

tweet_id integer required

The numeric ID of the target tweet

Example: 1625802236571033602

user_id integer required

The numeric ID of the user

Example: 1489552236571048124

Code Examples

Terminal window
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY'
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example Responses

"status": "success",
"source_user_id": "123123123...",
"target_tweet_id": "456456456...",
"is_retweeted": true,
"retweeters_checked_count": null // Deprecated, always null

Response Codes

  • 200 OK - request succeeded
  • 402 Payment Required - not enough credits to perform this request
  • 404 Not Found - requested tweet does not exist
  • 422 Unprocessable Content - validation failed (e.g. one of the required parameters was not provided)
  • 500 Internal Error - API internal error, typically means that SocialData API failed to obtain the requested information and you should try again later

Useful Resources