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Get Community Members - API Reference

Returns array of users who are admins, moderators or regular members of a community. Typically Twitter returns ~20 results per page. You can request additional results by sending another request to the same endpoint using cursor parameter.



Authorization string required

Authorization Bearer header containing your SocialData API key

Example: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Path Parameters

community_id integer required

Target community ID

Example: 1493446837214187523

Query Parameters

cursor string optional

Cursor value obtained from next_cursor response property. Used to retrieve additional pages for the same query


Code Examples

Terminal window
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY'
-H 'Accept: application/json

Example Responses

"next_cursor": "CycRAAAAAAwABAwKmwzBVQo+vQ0OGGp8lQABCm07AAABkNDNH5sADJorCj69f\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/8KbTt\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/wAIP8AAAAADAAAA",
"users": [
"id": 3119483308,
"id_str": "3119483308",
"screen_name": "onofregasent",
"name": "Onofre",
"protected": false,
"profile_image_url_https": "https:\/\/\/profile_images\/1726870714131640320\/Hsxgtxw9_normal.jpg",
"community_role": "Member"
"id": 338944755,
"id_str": "338944755",
"screen_name": "bohdanbasov",
"name": "Bohdan Basov",
"protected": false,
"profile_image_url_https": "https:\/\/\/profile_images\/1803862687895388160\/2h7gpQ5U_normal.jpg",
"community_role": "Moderator"

Response Codes

  • 200 OK - request succeeded
  • 402 Payment Required - not enough credits to perform this request
  • 404 Not Found - requested comminity does not exist
  • 422 Unprocessable Content - validation failed (e.g. one of the required parameters was not provided)
  • 500 Internal Error - API internal error, typically means that SocialData API failed to obtain the requested information and you should try again later

Useful Resources